Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The layers in a Rainforest

There are four layers in a rainforest: The Forest Floor, The Understory, The Canopy, and The Emergent Layer.

The Floor is usually muddy and filled with moisture. It is mostly the home of insects and a few species of amphibians like frogs and toads.

The Understory is the home of smaller and weaker trees competing for the scraps of light left over from the taller trees of the canopy. They are home to small birds, frogs, snakes and lizards, and sometimes it is used as a resting spot for a big cat like a cougar, puma or jaguar.

The Canopy is the roof of the Rainforest.It holds the most species of trees and most species of animal. It holds birds escaping from predators that can't climb or glide so high. It also holds medium sized primates like monkeys or orangutans that swing from tree to tree. It is the Rainforest Hotel.

The Emergent Layer is quite boring. It holds the strongest of trees that have reached stardom in the tree world.

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